In our view, becoming an Australian citizen a great privilege and certainly one of the greatest gifts one can pass on to younger generations. Becoming Australian allows us to pass on to future generations the rights, freedom, and benefits that continue to make Australia rank amongst the most liveable nations in the world.

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+61 449 151 115


  • Strong and robust economy
  • High quality public education sector
  • Public healthcare system that is used as a global benchmark
  • Strong welfare support network including the National Disability Insurance Scheme

  • Political stability

  • National security

  • Beautiful landscape and clean air

  • Cultural diversity

  • Business opportunities


Connect Australian can assist you with the entire  Australian Citizenship Application Process whether you chose to become an Australian citizen:

  • Some Australian federal government sectors only hire Australian citizens.
  • Australian citizens are able to vote.
  • Australian citizens are heard at all levels of our government including council, state and federal levels and allowed a voice in referendums to exercise democracy. 
  • As an Australian citizen you are able to apply and seek selection to be a member of parliament.
  • As an Australian citizen you are eligible to apply for all the privileges of an Australian passport including our consular help whilst overseas. 
  1. I arrived as an international student three years ago and met the love of my life at University who is Australian. We have been together for three years now. Can I qualify for Australian Citizenship?  This is always lovely to hear and we are always here to help. Please contact our office for a range of other visa option that allow you pathways to Australian Permanent Resident and Australian Citizenship.
  2. I was born overseas, and my mother was an Australian Citizen. Can I claim Australian Citizenship if only one parent was an Australian Citizen? Yes of course you can, Connect Australia Pty Ltd will assist and support you throughout the entire Australian Citizenship process as you may be eligible for citizenship by descent.
  3. What if I am born overseas and I have been living in Australia as a permanent resident, am I eligible for Australian Citizenship and are there really any benefits to being a citizen vs a permanent resident?  We believe there are benefits in becoming an Australian citizen including some great professional benefits. 
Connect Australia Pty Ltd will assist and support you throughout the entire Australian Citizenship process if you are eligible for citizenship by conferral. If you have been living in Australia for longer than four years with a permanent visa, including permanent protection and or humanitarian visa, permanent skilled, and or permanent family stream you may be eligible for Australian Citizenship by conferral.
Copyright © Connect Australia Pty Ltd 2025. All Rights Reserved.

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